Through the Office of Housing & Homelessness Services, the City of New Haven provides a safety net of support and services for the City's most fragile and vulnerable citizens- homeless singles and families.  The goals of this office are to deliver an integrated service delivery system, and to improve quality assurance and evaluation systems for emergency shelter providers and other organizations supporting this City's efforts to eliminate homelessness.

Unique to the State of Connecticut, the City of New Haven allocates resources from its' General Fund for homeless sheltering and support services.  However the Office of Housing & Homelessness Services endeavors to go beyond sheltering and housing; it also supports self sufficiency in individuals and families.

This office also administers Community Block Grant and Funds through two programs: the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), and the Housing Opportunities for Persons With HIV/AIDs (HOPWA).  

ESG funds are used for street outreach, emergency shelter services, homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance. The HOPWA program is the only Federal program dedicated to addressing the housing needs of people living with HIV/AIDS and their families.

New Haven Homeless Advisory Board meetings are held every second Thursday of the month.