The New Haven Port Authority (NHPA) is seeking a Port Planning Firm to prepare a Strategic Master Plan for the Port of New Haven (the Port), providing specific recommendations to help it achieve its mission to stimulate the shipment of freight and commerce through the Port, to develop and promote the facilities within the Port District and thereby to create jobs and increase the tax base of the City of New Haven (the City), to work with NHPA and the City in maximizing the usefulness of available public funding by consolidating and coordinating efforts to assist the waterfront of the City and to cooperate with the State and Federal agencies in connection with the maintenance, development, improvement and use of the facilities within the Port District.

Please click here to read the RFP

New Haven HarborThe New Haven Port Authority serves to enhance the economic competitiveness of the greater New Haven region and all of Connecticut through waterborne traffic.

The Port Authority was created by the New Haven Board of Aldermen in February of 2003 (Article II. Sec. 15-31) of the Code of Ordinances, in accordance with the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut CGS Sec. 7-329a. The Port of New Haven is the busiest port between New York and Boston and the largest deep-water port in the State of Connecticut. In the 2016 ranking by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers of the top 150 ports in the United States, the port of New Haven placed fifty-third as measured by volume of cargo transiting the port.

Our Port is an integral component to the regional economy and represents a key connection in a comprehensive transportation network that includes water, rail, roads and pipelines. It was created for the purposes of promoting the shipment of freight and commerce through the Port of New Haven. We work closely with the private terminal operators supporting businesses to advance that agenda.

Since our creation in 2003, we have collaborated with several City departments to secure funding to improve security and air quality at the port, and will continue to seek funding opportunities to improve the port's infrastructure to promote a vibrant, secure and environmentally sound port.