What Can SCD Do for You?

    About Us

    The Small Contractor Development Program (SCD) is part of the City of New Haven’s Department of Economic Development, which promotes creating jobs, improving quality of life and driving economic growth.

    The SCD helps small, minority and women-owned construction businesses grow and overcome challenges that may make it more difficult to win contracts and work on City of New Haven projects.

    Benefits for Contractors

    • Administers Chapter 12 ¼ of the New Haven Code of Ordinances
    • Registration in the SCD Program – see application
    • Weekly construction opportunities
    • Sheltered Market – All construction and construction related bids under $150,000 are bid only to contractors registered in the SCD Program
    • Minority Subcontractor Utilization – All construction and construction related contracts over $150,000 shall subcontract with a 25% MBE goal
    • Reporting and monitoring
    • Networking
    • Free/low-cost trainings and industry certifications 

    Upcoming Events 


    Small Contractor Development Program Photos

    Updated on 03/11/2024 1:25 PM